Monday, November 29, 2010

Cunard White Star R.M.S. Queen Mary 1950 Dinner Menu

Purchase this menuThe cover is by Stanley Jezzard and features an English waterfront scene. The menu is for Dinner on the R.M.S. Queen Mary, Monday, January 23, 1950, in Cabin Class. There are some items on the menu that you just don't see on a menu these days: Creme St. Louis, Jugged hare a l'Anglaise (sounds awful), and Congress Pudding for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I have that exact menu, except mine's from July of 1949. I bought it for 50 cents in 1977 or so in Whittier, California. What do you suppose our menus are worth??

    ~ Wendy
